Monday, October 12, 2020

On the Road Again - Ish

The cute pictures of Van-Ish (or whatever her name my turn out to be) have been posted on Facebook by Dub Box USA. She's soooooooooo cute. I can't wait to meet her in the ..."flesh"(?).. which should be soon according to her birth parents. I dream about driving down the coasts of Oregon and California, sleeping in my Covid-free trailer without the discomforts of home, such as constant reminders that we are in the midst of a pandemic, inescapable headlines about the upcoming election, and the overwhelming lethargy that seems to have overtaken me lately. Instead I will stare out into the Pacific, walk along beaches, and listen to the soothing sound of the nighttime ocean.  I am beginning to map out our route, hoping to revisit some favorite campgrounds from past journeys and eagerly anticipating time spent away from home at long last. It's been almost eight months since Covid has shackled us from trips away from home.

Even though it's in the 80s here in San Diego, signs of fall are beginning to peek out from the hot summer. The liquid amber tree across the street has begun to turn brown and orange; a slight breeze ruffling the leaves. Fewer birds nibble at my feeder. The beans and tomatoes in the garden are finished and I am preparing to plant my fall crop. Foxgloves and hollyhocks wait to be planted. Last year the gophers got them all.

I can't help feeling somewhat melancholy these days. My kids are far away; my grandson has started kindergarten; I will be homebound this year on Thanksgiving instead of spending it in New York with my family. However, I try not to dwell too much on the negatives. I'm grateful for the kids in my life, friends who have stepped in to fill empty spaces, my lovely porch where I read, embroider, and gather with friends to drink wine. I've gotten friendlier with my neighbors. Life has slowed down and might never regain its former frenetic energy - but that's a good thing, too. 


On the Road Again - Ish

The cute pictures of Van-Ish (or whatever her name my turn out to be) have been posted on Facebook by Dub Box USA. She's soooooooooo cut...